New research says 10% of landlords want to grow property line-up

According to a new report from Simply Business, some one in 10 landlords plan to purchase properties and build their portfolio, compared to just 3% at the end of 2019.
The business insurance firm believes the new figures suggest landlords are keen to take advantage of the Chancellor’s stamp duty holiday introduced in July, despite the uncertainly of the original Covid-19 lockdown and the announcement of yet another one to begin next week.
A Banbury landlord’s 54 HMO breaches leads to record £20,000 fine

During the last two decades a Banbury-based landlord has shown exactly how not to do things, after receiving a record fine for racking-up 54 HMO offences.
Breaches that included a collapsing ceiling, filthy facilities, and an abandoned car to name but a few were revealed by Cherwell council’s housing team during unannounced inspections.
Petition to stop ‘no pets policy’ in private rental sector gains traction

A recent online petition calling for pets to be allowed in private rental properties in the UK has gained thousands of signatures.
Carried on the Petition Parliament website, the petition has been raised by Hannah Bennett. In it she states the petition's main thrust as: “I’d like the government to prevent discrimination of tenants and potential tenants with pets, including by preventing landlords from including a ‘no pets allowed’ clause in tenancy agreements."
Almost 4% increase in East Midlands' average rental rates year-on-year

According to insurance company HomeLet, its latest monthly index indicates that the East Midlands has seen an increase of some 3.8 per cent on the average monthly rent in the region from the same time last year.
Monthly rent has increased from £653 in September 2019, to £678 in the same month this year, showing landlords and property experts that the rental sector in the region remains vibrant.
Exact start and end dates of Christmas eviction ban announced

Recently announced by the government, what has been dubbed as the Christmas eviction ‘truce’, will be upheld between December 11 and January 11.
During this 4-week window, agents will not be able to instruct bailiffs to carry out evictions in areas that are in local lockdowns such as parts of Leicester city.