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With the Government’s new Green Home Grant vouchers initiative is now up and running, indeed, homeowners across England now have until the end of March 2022 to have energy-efficiency upgrades to their homes completed through the Scheme.

So we’ve compiled a quick guide on the best ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home and keep those heating bills lower.

Just as a start, your can make sizable savings on annual energy bills be being more savvy with the time the heating comes on and for how long, or switching to a lower temperature too - saving money and reducing your carbon footprint.


1. Get your loft insulated

Because heat rises, the roof is a massive cause for a property hemorrhaging all that valuable heat. Roofs and walls that aren’t insulated or insulated poorly mean tenants will always be paying more for heating than they should be. As an energy-conscious landlord this is one of the first things you should look into improving.

2. Upgrade your boiler

It’s estimated that boilers account for 60% of the carbon dioxide emissions in a gas-heated home, so the best type of boiler you can possibly afford that improves efficiency will help dramatically reduce a building's overall carbon footprint.

Boilers are rated on a scale of A to G, with A being the most energy efficient. If yours is at the lower end of the scale then investing in a new one will make your property more energy efficient and ensure tenants benefit from lower winter fuel costs.

3. Thicker curtains and door insulation

Hanging thicker curtains over windows will go along way to helping to reduce heat escaping. A simple, cost-effective way to lower energy bills and keep a home warm and cosy. You can also buy cheap stick-on insulation to run down the sides of drafty doors – it will all add up to a warmer home and lower bills.

4. Fit double glazing

Swapping-out your property’s older wooden windows for modern, plastic double-glazing is a must. The difference in the cost of the annual energy bills really will be striking.

Although installing double-glazing is definitely a major investment, the savings made on an occupant’s energy-costs long-term make it more than a sensible decision to undertake.

Double-glazed windows are available in a variety of styles, so it doesn’t have to ruin the look of your home. When choosing your windows, look out for the ‘Energy Saving Trust recommended’ logo.

5. Cavity-wall insulation

Cavity walls are made of double layers with a gap or ‘cavity’ between them. Usually, homes built after the 1920s will have cavity walls which can have extra insulation added. Filling cavity walls which help keep the heat inside a home will have a big impact in reducing energy bills

It can be expensive to do, depending on the size of your property – however before you make any decisions see if you’re eligible for the Green Homes Grant so you can get support on costs.


6. Solar panel installation - the big investment with big long-term benefits

Solar panels mean a property can generate it’s own heat or power using the sun, so energy bills will be cheaper or almost non-existent. This year the Government also introduced the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) which means most suppliers will need to pay you for your exported excess electricity.

With Solar panels, even the British weather isn't a problem as they will collect and store the sun's rays even during cloudy days. It’s also sensible to set appliances such as washing machines to run when it’s lightest outside to get maximum benefit.

Don’t forget, you can apply for the Government’s Green Homes Grant Vouchers scheme and be eligible for two-thirds of financial support on improvements (up to a maximum of £5000) for work completed.

Find out more here.

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